Belfast and Northern Ireland

Belfast and Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is beautiful.  I am a northerner and convinced that the further north you go, the prettier the world becomes.  I had initially visited Belfast, Northern Ireland over a decade ago.  At the time, there was still political strife and the air in Belfast was thick with tension.  Fast forward 16 years, Belfast is renewed.  People were out an about, walking the streets, shopping, mingling, exchanging welcoming glances.  It is beautiful.  My heart is glad for this city.

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Flossenbürg in Germany

Flossenbürg in Germany

Flossenbürg is a small town in eastern Bavaria near the Czech border. There is a small castle ruins here and the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp; where the remaining members of the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler were executed just two weeks before the camp was liberated. One of these men was Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

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