Shout for Joy, O Barren One


“'Shout for joy, O barren one, you who have borne no child; break forth into joyful shouting and cry aloud, you who have not travailed; for the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous than the sons of the married woman,’ says the Lord (Isaiah 54:1).“

One of the biggest struggles I have had as a single woman is not being a mom.  I love the joy of teaching and spending time with little ones.  It has been heartache to have no children of my own.  Through the course of seeking contentment and trying to understand how God has given me the desires of my heart, I discovered that I indeed have more children than one with a husband, as stated in Isaiah 54:1.  This one verse opened my eyes and satisfied my maternal longing.  God graciously brought it to my attention that, because of the freedom I have as a single woman, I am able to take part in many people’s lives rather than just an immediate few.

By the grace of God, my friends and family have invited me to participate in their lives and their children’s lives.  Regularly, I spend time at dinner tables that are not my own and vacation with people who love me.  A couple of years ago, I traveled across country with my friend Grace and her five boys.  Now, I am again blessed to travel across country, this time with my niece and nephew.  I relish every minute that God has given me to love and be loved!  It is wonderful to be present when children experience new things and are introduced to landscapes they have never seen before.  


Last week, I was given the joy of witnessing my niece and nephew seeing wild buffalo, wild horses and prairie dogs in the North Dakota badlands for their very first time.  I am grateful to God, to my friends and family for allowing me the joy of influencing children for good.  These memories will last for a very long time.