Cigar Factory New Orleans in Louisiana, USA
/Even on a chilly day in December, the front doors of Cigar Factory New Orleans are flung open and the scent of tobacco wafts to the sidewalk. I am not a connoisseur of cigars, but I have been known to puff on a few. We stepped over the threshold and immediately spotted a couple of gentlemen hand rolling cigars. Their fingers were fast and fleet. The cigars were amazingly uniform.
Cigars have a rustic, inviting charm. Their gentle aroma tickles memories, mostly of old, wise, pleasant men who learned the method of relishing their sweet time. Even if you do not smoke cigars, you may enjoy simply walking into Cigar Factory New Orleans.
The diligence and skill of the men rolling cigars is captivating. They do not falter in their performance, even while being interrupted with admiration by observers. The warm, brown interior of the shop indicates years of producing and savoring a delectable leaf that has been enjoyed by countless people through history. The thick, spicy musk of unburnt tobacco mingles with the humidity of New Orleans and makes me smile.
The attendants in the cigar shop were gracious in answering questions and giving an introduction to the humidor where their hand rolled cigars aged for the proper amount of time. They did not pressure sales, but simply gave explanation to my inquiries. My purchases were well informed. The clerk properly packaged the cigars for my flight home, where I shared the treasures.
In case you cannot make it to New Orleans, you can buy the cigars directly from Cigar Factory New Orleans by going to their website,