Visit Unique Cliff-Side Monastery in Central Russia
/Photos of the cliff-side monasteries by Lucy Frey.
Mid-way between Moscow and Rostov lays the Voronezh region. There are many Orthodox monasteries and churches in this area that are worthy of a visit, but two stand out among the others. In this flat agricultural region, ancient Russians found a few limestone cliffs on the banks of the Don and excavated rooms into them.
One of the places is named Divnogorie or “the place with amazing mountains” in Russian. Another one is Belogorie or “the place with white mountains”. Both places are located in the Voronezh area on rural roads, away from the cities and crowds. In the Soviet era, religion was suppressed so these monasteries were closed, but once again they are functioning. Spend a day or two in this remote area, enjoy views of wildlife and have a picnic on the bank of River Don. There are no vendors, so bring your lunch along.